흑표범은 퍼포먼스를 중심으로 소수자 이슈에 접근하고 있다. 전남 도청 광장 분수대에서 펼친 샤워 퍼포먼스 <정오의 목욕>(2011), 세월호 유가족 어머니들의 목소리를 찻길 건너편의 관객들과 눈을 마주하고 함께 듣는 퍼포먼스 <VEGA>(2016) 등을 발표해왔다. <빽스테이지>(플레이스막2, 서울, 2021), <Spigel/반사!>(art house SomoS, 베를린, 2019)등의 개인전과 <SHAACK -EXISTENCE>(옵스큐라, 서울, 2021), <바다는 가라앉지 않는다>(안산문화예술의 전당/보안여관, 안산/서울, 2019), <강원국제비엔날레2018>등의 그룹전을 가졌으며, 현재 광주시립미술관, 서울시립미술관등에 작품이 소장되어 있다.
Black Jaguar is a visual artist that approaches minority issues with a focus on performance. Her most representable works are <Bath at Noon>(2011), a performance that happened around the act of taking a shower at the fountain in Jeollanam-do Provincial Office Square, and <VEGA>(2016), a performance the audience could listen to the voices of the mothers from the families that lost their children by the Sewol ferry accident in 2014 face-to-face, yet from across a road with a distance.
In recent years, she has presented her works in solo exhibitions such as <BBackstage> (placemak2, Seoul, 2021) and <Spigel/반사!> (art house SomoS, Berlin, 2019), as well as group exhibitions such as <SHAACK-EXISTENCE> (Obscura, Seoul, 2021), <The Sea Will Not Sink> (Ansan Arts Center/Boan1942, Ansan/Seoul, 2019) and <Gangwon International Biennale 2018>.
Currently, her works are part of the collection at institutions such as Gwangju Museum of Art and Seoul Museum of Art.